Mac100% 1998 November
Mops 3.2.sea
Mops 3.2
Mops source
SpeechStuff folder
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Text File
101 lines
This README is a brief introduction to the Talker class I have written
to support the Macintosh Speech Manager. I will also briefly describe the
other files I have included in this release.
The class Talker provides general access to every current call in
release 1.1.1 of the Macintosh Speech Manager. I have not (as I legally
cannot) included the Speech Manager package in this release.
Most of the calls are poorly documented in the source. If you are
planning on using this package, you should obtain the documentation
that has been release by Apple.
NOTE: I have not thoroughly checked every aspect of the Speech Manager.
Only those specific things that you see in the demo file Speech have
actually been tested, as that was the purpose of the file. As you test
other parts of the system, if you find bugs, please report them to me.
I am operating under strict time constraints now, but I should have more
time to work on this project intermittently in the future. I will
place my contact information at the end of this document.
Yes, there are some known problems that I just didn't have the time to
work out.
・ I do not seem to be handling the fixed points correctly, or else
the synthesizers that accompany the Speech Manager don't use the
fractional portions of the numbers. In any case, everything comes
back to me as a whole number stored in the uppermost location on
the stack.
・ I do not seem to be getting proper responses, even in the demo, to
pauseSpeechAt and stopSpeechAt. I labored over those things for far
too long. If someone can figure out what I doing incorrectly, I
would be happy to fix it.
・ The demoed GetInfo doesn't even seem to work correctly, as it
doesn't respond correctly with the current bytes left in the
buffer or the current phoneme. I like to believe that I misunder-
stand the concept of that call. If you can find my mistake, please
let me know.
Indeed, there are some limitations.
・ You can only access one set of information at a time. I was working
with a list of the information for a while, but it was causing
some problems with complex manipulations. This really should not
be a problem, anyhow, as the information, theoretically, can change
・ I don't really know of any others, but they're probably there. Feel
free to raise my consciousness of any you find. I'll be happy to
get this going. In all the current rush to get out information
about the Speech Manager, I just wanted to get something out in a
timely manner.
I'd like to make a few requests of you, the user of this package.
・ If you find bugs, let me know. I'd like to fix them. If you can
and do fix them, please let me know of the fixes.
・ If there are changes you would like to see made, please let me know.
This includes additions you might like to see happen.
・ Try to test the parts I haven't tested. In specific try to test out
the different selector options for GetInfo and PLEASE test out
the SetInfo and the Dictionary options.
・ Get the Speech Manager and install it.
・ Drag the file 'SpeechMgr' into whatever folder you like.
I, personally, use ::Mops source:Toolbox classes:
・ Drag the files 'Speech' and 'Utility Code' into whatever your
code folder is.
・ Open up the Mops dictionary and type: // speech
・ Type go. It will lead you through what I have tested.
I did not write a complete exerciser-- everything has not been tested. I
did not have the time. Sorry. But I wanted to get this stuff out.
Try to find my bugs if you have a chance.
Try to find other bugs, especially in other areas of the class if
you can.
Contact me if you have any comments, gripes or questions.
Oh yeah, the test file is called Speech.
Electronic Mail (preferred):
(as I write this, all addresses send mail to the same place,
but the second one is more probably long-term. And the '+' is
only somewhat necessary... More so in the second address.)
Snail Mail:
6236 Fifth Avenue, Apartment 303B
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Phone (I guess ya never know):
(412) 362-5487 (home)
(412) 268-2115 (off and on during the day -- not work, though)
And hey, let's be careful out there.